Beef Lasagne (no pre-cook)

Traditional beef lasagne

A 1kg mix of meat and sauce will fill 4 x 2 portion aluminium trays,


1. In a bowl, mix the minced beef and the Bond DS & Beef Steak Spices.

2. Add the tomato sauce to the beef & mix well ensuring that there are no
clumps of meat and that it is a smooth paste.

3. Divide half the mix equally into 4 trays

4. Spread out & lay lasagne sheets over the mix making sure not to overlap the sheets. Repeat again with the remaining mix & lasagne sheets.

5. Use no more than 2 layers of lasagne as any more will produce a dry

6. Take 2 tablespoons of Gratin Sauce & spread out over the top of
the pasta. Top with grated cheese.

7. Cook at no higher than 150°c gas mark 3-4 for 35 minutes.

(to cook from frozen: 130°c gas mark 1. Turn up to 170°c gas mark 3 for the
last 5 minutes to brown the top).

In partnership with:


  • 1kg Minced Beef
  • 8g Beef Steak Spices
  • 20g Bond DS
  • Gratin Sauce
  • Grated Cheddar Cheese
  • Lasagne Sheets (no pre-cook)
  • 1kg Italian Tomato & Herb Sauce
  • Garnish: Decoration Blend France, Cherry tomatoes
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